Friday, November 20, 2009

Affirmations Affirmware

Have you had enough of setting goals or wanting to achieve things that just never come to pass?

You Can Have Anything You Want.
You Just Need The Right Help And Guidance.

You've Probably Heard It All When It Comes To Affirmations, Do they Affirmations Work Or Don't They? They Do If Done Right, Now You Can Manifest your desires!

Most People have Dreams, Some have Goals. How would you like to turn your Dreams into a reality, Give yourself Permission to have the things that you Truly Desire. You may not realise this but if you haven't achieved your goals you have been stealing from yourself.

There is a way to Stop the sabotage that we unknowingly put in the way of our success and the good news is that it is not as hard as you may think despite all you past experiences.

I've seen many people fall short of their potential, hey I've even been there myself but I'll tell you with this must have prgram you will literally change your life.

It is important that you choose the correct methods so that you can know for sure that you will achieve the success that you Truly Want so that if you ever do look back, not that you will want to, but you will be able to see the dramatic progress you have made.

Below is a link to the most powerful Affirmations Software that will help you achieve your goals AffirmWare, and the great thing is that it really works.

Your Goals Are For The Taking

You May be asking do affirmations work?

One of my favourite writers would have to be Anthony Robbins, and he has really made a difference in my Life, He said:

"By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!"

When you continually give yourself affirmations you break down the walls and are able to program your subconscious mind allowing your desires to be manifested into a reality whether it be financial, physical or emotional.

To get the most out of using affirmations you need to have a plan.

An affirmation program

that will be focused on what you want, so the first thing you need to do is decide what you want and then you need to make a list of positive affirmations that point your subconscious mind in the direction of your GOAL.

You can have:

  • wealth affirmations / money affirmations

  • power affirmations

  • healing affirmations

  • success affirmations

Wealth, money, power, health and success. You could probably add a whole lot more to this list because it can be broken down even further, it all depends on what you want to achieve.

Here is a few tips if you want to get the most out of subliminal affitmations.

Affirmations for Success

It doesn't matter if it is a wealth affirmation, a healing affirmation or whatever it is that you are focusing on. the whole idea is that they are to work in a somewhat subliminal way. they must be positive because you subconscious mind does not recognise negative words. I'll give you an example:

Don't think of an Elephant.

What was the first thing that came into your mind, I ll bet you thought of an elephant even if it was only for a very short period of time.

Anyway this is enough to get you started if you didn't know where to get started. There are all sorts of things that you can add to greatly assist in the process, extra reading material, CDs and of course my personal favourite,